Five Unforgettable Sports Cars From Movies


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remembers that little car, too.

XB Falcon from Mad Max

If you are going to have to patrol a post-apocalyptic Australian wasteland in a car, you might as well do it in style. Mel Gibson, as Mad Max, did just that in the popular movie trilogy’s first installment. Zipping across what was left of civilization in a 1974 XB Falcon V8 interceptor, Mad Max was a formidable foe to those villains who survived the nuclear war. Although it was as road-weary and beat up as one would expect in such a dire situation, the XB Falcon still cut a stunning silhouette as it crossed what was left of the land down under.

Aston Martin from Goldfinger and Thunderball

If asked to name a British sports car producer, most Americans will say “Aston Martin.” That’s directly attributable to James Bond. Sure, having Sean Connery as James Bond behind the wheel is likely to

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