Does anyone know any great free downloads for making movies?

Question by RawR_OuT_LouD: Does anyone know any great free downloads for making movies?
I want to put together clips from my camera and make a movie but I don’t know any great movie makers. Is there any movie makers that make it possible that you can play a movie backwards too?

Best answer:

Answer by Erick Hernandez
You can use powerpoint, that works all the time, and u can find that in your school computer always. Hook up ya camera to the usb cable line and plug all your photos to the computer and add it to powerpoint. Its more like a slide show or something, so your going to see screen after screen. I also looked up some bullsht or side line websites for u, but i dont know if it would help, just thought it would be iight to put it, because it can come in handy.
You can do some animation stuff on this, or some video and motion action for your photos you wanna use.
This is not free but if you fast enough, you can use this program for a trial and do whatever u gotta do.
I hope this one helps you too.

Ahhh, i look up more for you, i know a friend who is a cheap ass and who used to know alot of free websites to use photoshop and slide show productions. Just have to hope he remembers, but i would definitely look up for some more.

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