Final Fantasy VII – JENOVA (piano collections)

Music copyright Nobuo Uematsu and Squaresoft Original mp3: Original video: (32MB) I got my new Yamaha P-140 near the end of August, and I learned this over Labor Day weekend. The external sound card to record through my laptop arrived 2 days ago, so here it is. The P-140 is pretty cool. It’s much closer to a real piano than any old digital pianos I can remember. It can also record, then play back immediately, which is extremely useful for working out any trouble spots. This is especially good for me, since I’m rusty and haven’t played much in 5 years. The other fun thing is that I can use headphones to practice/record completely silently… good for an apartment with thin walls. Note: You might see a tiny glitch in 1-2 places. This was a feeble attempt to sync the audio with the video. How I recorded this: I used a Flip Video to record the video. For audio, the piano has an analog RCA output, which I connected to the “Line In” input of my PC with a Y-cable. Audacity software creates the digital .wav file from the analog signal. I then combined the video and audio using Windows Movie Maker, and saved using the highest-quality setting. (My one complaint about the P-140 is that it should have a digital output, to eliminate the need for a lossy digital-analog-digital conversion.)
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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