Evolution of Rock Guitar (the Real Guitar Heroes..), part I – Ketil Strand

Part 1 of 4. In this video Im presenting many of the most important guitarists/bands in the history of Rock Guitar, as seen through my eyes.. For each artist/band mentioned, Im playing a short excerpt from one or a few of their songs, and by using different guitars, effects etc. Im trying to recreate the original in my own way.. Of course a presentation like this inevitably will be influenced by personal preferences and taste, but Ive tried to be as objective as possible. So please forgive me if you think Ive left someone out or included others that shouldnt have been here, like I said, this is my version.. I hope Im able to honor all these amazing artists and songs, that is at least my intention. All lead guitar parts are played by me as seen in the video, and most of the backing tracks were found on the internet (thanks to all you guys out there making great backing tracks!) Actually, no amps or pedals were used in the making of this video, except a few seconds of wah-wah from my Boss PW-10 pedal on “Voodoo Chile”.. All “amp sounds”, effects etc. are coming from my Native Instruments “Guitar Combos” plug-in (a smaller version of “Guitar Rig”) , plus misc. plug-ins and effects from Cubase, which I used for the audio recordings. www.ketilstrand.com Please check out my new solo album; «Axe-Files», available for purchase/download here: www.cdbaby.com itunes.apple.com plus on several other digital music download sites.
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