Cosmetics and Beauty?secrets to Make You a Movie-star!


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approach and greater experience, might be just what you need to accentuate your best facial features. It is common for women to consult their hair-dressers for a new look– why not do the same with a makeup artist?

How natural cosmetics can help?

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to just accentuate positive facial features and not have to cover up imperfections. Well, the truth is many skin problems are actually a result of makeup! Most makeup products contain chemicals that irritate the skin and cause blemishes, discoloration, redness and dryness. Instead of covering up facial flaws with synthetic blends of makeup, why not try to correct these flaws by the use of natural cosmetics? You will be surprised how much better your skin will look and feel. Also you will not need to wear as much foundation and makeup! This will save

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