Cosmetics and Beauty?secrets to Make You a Movie-star!


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Cosmetics and Beauty?secrets to Make You a Movie-star!

All of us put a great deal of importance on physical attractiveness. Sometimes, more so than what we realize. We like to be perceived as attractive. It makes our day when someone praises us by saying, “you look nice today!”

Even though looks shouldn’t matter, the question arises– do good looking people get treated with favoritism? Do they tend to have greater advantages in life? For example, would a stranger be more inclined to come to the aid of a woman who is very attractive? Might she receive better service at the auto shop? Simply because she is good looking?

An experiment was conducted in New York city. Two women were given folders filled with papers. They were told to drop them on a busy sidewalk and observe what would happen. Would anyone help them? When the attractive woman dropped her folder, suddenly people

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