Breaking Dawn movie details?

Question by : Breaking Dawn movie details?
I have seen many different trailers and spoilers that have me asking 2 questions: 1- Are they making a Twilight movie that is not in the book saga? Ive seen trailers featuring a girl that is supposed to be Renesmee and another man that is meant to be Jacob. ???? Also, 2- is Jacob cast by another guy? The guy can not be Taylor Lautner, no mistakes identifying this guy. Are these actual trailers from a future novel/movie or are there other people making their own version of Renesmee`s future?? Im very confused and if there is another movie/book coming out, I will be extremely upset because Breaking Dawn needs to be left as the last in the saga. Any ideas or comments would be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by ßЭϽϽȺ✖
Umm there are no official breaking dawn trailers out yet, and no there isnt going to be another movie, but there may be possibly another book, its up to Stepehenie. So any footage you may have seen about ‘Renesmee’s future’ is fan made, not real.

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