Are there any complete Cantiflas movies online (preferably free, with subtitles?)?

Question by Jacob T: Are there any complete Cantiflas movies online (preferably free, with subtitles?)?
For a school project I have to watch a movie in spanish. I was thinking about watching a movie with the actor Mario Moreno (Cantiflas) I can watch his movie Ahi Esta El Detalle (you’re missing the point) online for free, but there are no subtitles, which makes things difficult (I’m in spanish 101) Is there anyplace online that I can watch this movie, or another Cantiflas movie for free, with subtitles, or am I asking for the impossible?

Best answer:

Answer by BradyBunch1
try searching on “Cantiflas with English subtitles” the site will link you to tons of sites that have that exact search criteria… best of luck

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