11 Monologue Audition Dos and Don?ts


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your movement, voice, face, etc. No, this list is about how to wow them during the audition with your professionalism. Let’s get down to it. Here they are and make sure you heed their advice!

1. DO warm-up:
Doesn’t matter if your playing sports, dancing, acting, etc., you always need to warm-up before a performance. Getting ready for your monologue audition is no different. Do some stretches, mental preparation and vocal exercises. Get your mind and body ready to perform. Sure, practice before you get to the audition, but by all means keep yourself in the zone. Chatting it up with other people or staring into space will not help you at all. Take this part very seriously. My pals always say that they have enormous respect for those individuals they see warming-up, when compared to the “actors” that do not.

2. DO look professional:

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