11 Monologue Audition Dos and Don?ts


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has time. Now, this is not to say that those who are guilty of such performances are bad actors. I’ve been told that when actors were told to stop and bring the energy down to a respectable intensity, the performances were quite good. That being said, I found what my friends said next to be funny. They said they rather tell a person to bring their energy level down than up. A dull, lifeless actor is the worst audition they can imagine and most of the time will just send them on their way without any help or consideration.

9. DO stay in character:
When performing your monologue audition, it is important to remember why you are there and what you are doing. You cannot let nerves, emotion or anything in the room or your personal life interfere with that brief time you have in front of the auditioners. Stay in character, no matter what. As an actor, you should

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