zoey 101 and icarly have blix? whats that?

Question by cellphonekid333: zoey 101 and icarly have blix? whats that?
okay so you know how on Zoey 101, their fav dr4ink is Blix, like how they hav the Blix van contest for the new falvor and stuff?

well on Icarly, the episode were they think that guy sells pirated movies, when he actualy make pirate movies?

well in the store of the guy who makes pitrate movies, there is a Blix cooler/ refridgerator thing and a bli8x advertisement sign at the checkout counter.

is it an actual drink?

or is it just a cawinsedence?

please help!

Best answer:

Answer by nicole [ilk]
its just what nick uses as sodas. they both, including drake and josh, have pear computers instead of apple (macintosh)

cuz if they said coca cola, or mountain dew, or whatever, itd be free advertising they cant do that

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