Xcode 4.3 IOS5.1 Table View Controller With Cell Views, Navigation Controller, Storyboard Part 2

Part 2 of how to add a table view controller with details (table view cell) and in a navigation controller starting from an empty project in Xcode 4.3 IOS5. I get carried away with the great storyboard feature and put it all in a tab bar controller at the end of the video! Note: I am NOT populating cell details with arrays and code – the cells are each added manually in the storyboard. If you want that make a comment and I will add a tutorial on how to do use an nsarray and dynamically add table view cells.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

READ: Written Guide & more info: blameyourany.com FIFA 12 Free Kick tutorial showing you how to score by shooting around the outside of the wall. You will learn which players are best at this free-kick as well as the technique and the general science of the free-kick, so that you can take what you’ve learnt and adapt it to create your own free-kick that is fine-tuned to your preferences and what you’re most comfortable with. Important additional information as well as bonus tips will be added in to the description shortly.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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