write a script or book?

Question by donwillymo: write a script or book?
I’ve been dying to write several short stories but I don’t know whether to write them in a movie script or book format. Which format would I have a better chance with in terms of getting picked up by a distributor or publishing company? How would I go about presenting my stories to say a publisher? I would imagine I’d have an easier time selling a book format than a movie script because hollywood is harder to break into. I’m a new yorker by the way. Any experiences

Best answer:

Answer by Child of Ape
Don’t aim too high. Target short stories or articles at magazines and newspapers, get your name out into the world and read by a few people before you even think about hollywood.
Writing is considered a ‘craft’ (not in the wicker sense) so you have to have at least shown some promise in the past – it is extremely rare for first time writers to be contracted for their own scripts/stories for bound publishing rather than news/mags.
If you feel that you ‘really’ can break into it straight away, that your idea is THAT good, you need an agent. Most places won’t look at you without representation.

Hope that helps,


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