Would the Catholic sex abuse scandals have been avoided if more women were in decision-making positions?

Question by zaatheist: Would the Catholic sex abuse scandals have been avoided if more women were in decision-making positions?
A Mafia-like “omertà” on sexual abuse in the Catholic hierarchy?

The Vatican daily L’Osservatore Romano has published an interesting article saying the Catholic Church might have avoided some of the clerical sex abuse scandals it now has if more women were in decision-making positions. The Italian historian Lucetta Scaraffia says that women “would have been able to rip the veil of masculine secrecy that in the past often covered with silence the denunciation of these misdeeds.” The word she used for “secrecy” is omertà, the Italian term for “code of silence” well known to anyone who’s seen the Godfather movies or read about how the Mafia works.

Best answer:

Answer by Hell Bait
No, they aren’t abusing grown women or grown men.

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