Windows Movie Maker Video Effect Question?

Question by Omblo: Windows Movie Maker Video Effect Question?
How to I add a still image/logo to a video? For example like:

Or in any other news show, they always have their logo at the bottom. Mines won’t be moving but how do I get it to stay there using WMM? If I can’t with just WMM, tell me some other free movie making programs.


Best answer:

Answer by darknyte
Windows Movie Maker (WMM) can do what you are asking. I take you want the TITLES on your video. Titles are the words that you see across the screen as the video is being played. The words that run from right to left on the lower part are called “ticker tapes”. I take it you want your “titles” to be “steady” and not moving.

Since you mentioned WMM, I gather you are a bit familiar with it.
1. Open WMM and import your pictures or videos.
2. Switch from Storyline to Timeline. On Timeline, you will see 3 rows (at the very bottom) and these are the picture/video timeline, the audio/sound timeline and the TITLES timeline.
3. Click on “Tools” and select Titles. You will make a selection here where which type of title you want. I suggest you select “On Selected Video”. When done encoding your words, click “Add Title” button and your title will appear below the selected video. You may have to click the picture or video on the timeline row. When you click it, the borderlines will go bold.
4. It is easier to use “On Selected Video” as you can drag the title anywhere in the video.
5. Lastly, the effect of the title is Fade In, Fade Out. When played, it will softly fade into view and then fade out of view. If you want it to stay longer, (while still at Timeline mode) go to the right border of the title and click and drag it to your selected length.

There are other effects to titles .. they can be scrolling up (like the starwars beginning) or they can even run right to left, new-like effect or even come spinning into view. You may have to do experiments on the titles effects until you see what you want. BUT, as a default effect of a title, the “Fade In, Fade Out” effect is normally used.

Good luck and hope this helps you out ..

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