Why has the book The Giver by Lois Lowry not been made into a movie?!?

Question by PeterPan1: Why has the book The Giver by Lois Lowry not been made into a movie?!?
It is an AMAZING book and would be an AMAZING movie. My friend and I want to put together a movie based exactly off the book, basically using it as a script. It would be a huge project, we know. But would we get in trouble for it, if we give full credit to Lois Lowry? We are by no means professional movie makers, and this is a complicated story, but I REALLY want to SEE this book as a movie. And I KNOW I am not the only one. So the question is, does anyone know if they are looking into making a movie based on the book? And would my friend and I get in trouble for attempting to make our own movie using the book as a script? I mean, there are tons of “trailers” people have made for it on youtube, so…. why not?

Best answer:

Answer by Alex Challand
honestly the only reason people even read this book is because its required in some states to be read in 8th grade (Im assuming thats where you and your friend read it), you should really read some other books in different genras because I didn’t think it was that great

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