Why do movies make teens and young people look sexually irresponsible?

Question by Telling It Like It Is: Why do movies make teens and young people look sexually irresponsible?
It upsets me that every Lifetime movie or made-for-tv movie portrays young girls and guys getting pregnant, STDs and getting drunk out of their minds. What about people in their mid-30s and 40s who are being victimized by diseases and the economy?
I thought the current generation of teens is smarter, sexually responsible and more informed of what will happen if they make poor choices? Are these movies accurately portraying what’s REALLY going on across the country (despite them being based on “true stories.”)

Best answer:

Answer by JSmooth
I just watched lifetime and saw that movie too. some moive are made like that so teens can be aware of what is goin on others jus want to tell a story. they do go a bit over board o nit at times but i dont liekl that either

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