Which business idea should I pick?

Question by Baf F: Which business idea should I pick?
I would like to start an online business over the summer. I have a few ideas so far. My goal is to eventually make six or more figures a year. I am not sure which idea is the most profitable.

1. A website where users can submit original songs and other users can listen, rate, comment, share, and chat with other users. Users can also create pages where they can post info, keep track of favorite songs, and find new band members. I have no coding experience. I would have to hire a web design firm, a elance person, or my cousin. I am limited with cash. I would make money by selling ad space and selling a pro membership if the site gets big enough. I like this idea!

2. I would create a website where people can buy, sell, trade, or auction off their websites. There are not many marketplaces for selling and buying websites except for a few that aren;t very good. Sitepoint.com does have a section on the site for selling and buying sites, but it is not their main focus. I think this site could be huge. I would hire a web design firm, and elance person, or my cousin to create the site. It should be easy since there are a lot of marketplace scripts around. I would make money from selling ad space on the site, and charging a small 4% fee to the seller once a sale is made. So if he sells his site for $ 20,000, I would take $ 800 and he would get $ 19,200 for the sale. I love this idea! I think it could make me six or more figures a year.

3. My last idea is to become a dealer of Kaeser and Blair. They sell promotional products to businesses like pens, hats, shirts, mugs, etc. with company logos on them. It costs $ 85 to become a dealer and you get a website, catalogs, and example items to show your clients. You then try to sell as much as possible, you get 50% of sales, and Kaeser and Blair makes and ships the products to your clients. They have been around for over 100 years. I know they are legit since i called the Better Business Bereau BBB of their location and the Chamber of Commerce. They were also featured in Small Business Opportunity Magazine SBO Mag for one of the best business to start up. I think this idea could make me some good profit.

Which idea do you think is the most profitable. I love all 3. I probably like the last two the best, since www.purevolume.com already exists for #1. Which idea should I do? Even if you dont think any would be good, which would you pick if you had to?


Best answer:

Answer by Jamie
I would go for 2 mate, that’s a good idea and definitely has the potential to help you get to 6 figures. 3 is a good idea as well, but would obviously take longer. Good luck!

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