Whats the problem with these movie studios?

Question by : Whats the problem with these movie studios?
They basically make us watch 3D which has absolutely no benefit, and they make remakes of classic movies and f*ck it up, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Footloose, Dirty Dancing…

Seriously have they run out of ideas or is this the age of the 3D Remake? The likes of Dirty Dancing that movie is Patrick Swayze’s job, just like The Wizard of Oz is Judy Garland and Gone With the WInd is Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh. Obviously it’s for money but why do people see it? To see the difference and complain. Everyone that walks in to a remake think well this isnt going to be half as good as the original if of course they have seen it. When you look at a movie from say the 30s-80 you think wow look how simple that movie is, how little there was compared to today and that is what makes the movie amost other things great, the simplicity, we’re not used to seeing simplicity but then it’s remade in to this technological giant with CGI and 3D and fancy lighting. Why do that?

then we have further endorsement of 3D via 3D TVs, 74% of people won’t buy a 3D TV because of the cost, there’s about 3 TV channels that are broadcast in 3D and about 10 movies per year, this obviously will grow, but will it come to yet again us having no choice with it?

So what are your opinions on remakes, 3D all that?

Now as for Blu-ray, I think it’s brilliant and worth every cent as you see more detail, it doesnt effect a movie in a negative way

Best answer:

Answer by Melody
I completely agree. All Hollywood is today is a money-grubbing, creatively-bankrupt monster. I think 3D remakes…hell, the whole 3D craze and remakes in general!…and shameless, sloppy sequels are the absolute pits.
Remember The Thing from 1982? None of it was done on a computer! And Rob Bottin, the special effects person in charge of designing the gruesome forms of The Thing, was only 20 years old! And look at it…it’s still awesome even today. But now? Any five year-old can make a crude effect on the computer. It’s not impressive anymore.

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