Whats the name of that old kids movie about a rich talking cat?

Question by nickname: Whats the name of that old kids movie about a rich talking cat?
It starts with the cat in his owners cafe and he helps his owner sell the cafe for a bundle. The cat ends up living in his masters mansion after the guy has passed. The talking cat makes friends with the neighbor kids and at the very end they play that song “on top of spaghetti, all covered with cheese, i lost more poor meatball when somebody sneezed…” i could finish that but i will spare you. Know the name of that movie?

Best answer:

Answer by BraxOwl
It is “The Richest Cat in the World” and is a Classic Disney movie.

I remember watching it when I was 9 or so…I wish Disney still played their classic movies like that. We tuned in each week!

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