What would you have done if YOU had found the New Moon script?

Question by You Know Im Right: What would you have done if YOU had found the New Moon script?
The woman who found the New Moon script in the trash decided to return it to Summit Pictures and she is now getting a signed script by all the actors/actresses and going to the Premier and after party.

Would you have sold it on ebay for MILLIONs instead?
Ha ha. Some of these answers are funny. P.S. I’m only saying it would have sold for “millions” (figuratively speaking) because I’m sure there would be some crazy fan out there who would have their parents buy it for her at an insane price.
Oh, come on. Even if you’re not a Twilighter I’m sure it would be fun to attend a premier??? After all, when is the last time you were invited to one of those?

Best answer:

Answer by Oliver Stone Eats Children
that script would not have sold for millions, it probably wouldve sold at the same price as some bird cage liner, or firewood.

who in there right mind would buy the script of the sequel of a mediocre movie, and that will follow the exactly same plot as a book millions of tweens have already read….oh yeah any twilight fan, nvm

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