what would you do if I called you?

Question by P90X Jonathan: what would you do if I called you?
I work as a survey researcher. Basically I call on behalf of Jiffy lube for a brief customer satisfaction survey or some NRA survey. I just read from a script. We don’t sell anything or ask for money. we’re just getting data. Since we’re not selling anything we’re not included in the do not call list, but we have our own do not call options.

To be honest I don’t give a damn about your opinions or how your service was from jiffy lube. I’m there to make money. the more surveys I do the better my salary. If i ever get called for survey research i’ll do it cuz i know how much it sucks and i encourage you to do it just so I get paid more lol. What would you do if I called you for survey research.

Best answer:

Answer by Lola 🙂
If I was bored I would probably do it.

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