What Should I call this short film I’m making?

Question by : What Should I call this short film I’m making?
I’m making a short film to put on YouTube and maybe enter in some short film contests.

it’s about a young boy whos parents are murdered in there sleep, and because law enforcement has no other reason to blame someone else, they think the little boy has killed them. They take him to a mental facility seeing that there was no real problem and they think he randomly killed his parents. he knows hes innocent and trys to explain blah blah blah. he escapes from the facility *Place Epic Chase Scene Here* his parents killer finds him and befriends him (little boy doesnt know hes the killer) killer thinks the lil boy will help him kill more people, and when the boy disagrees and realizes hes the killer…. well u can see it when its finished.

ANYWAY what should I call the movie???

Best answer:

Answer by Nick
The Dispute.

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