What make the Heisman award any more important than the dozens of other college football awards?

Question by : What make the Heisman award any more important than the dozens of other college football awards?
Yeah.. I understand it’s a prestigious award… or so I hear.. And, it’s one of the oldest awards.. someone said.

But like all the awards.. when you break it down to basics, the Heisman is just an opinion based poll that awards the trophy to the guy that gets the most votes.. from a select group of voters.

And, it does get a lot of media coverage, has it’s own hour long show, and the finalist get to wear tuxedos, and there are pretty young women standing around.

And, like the movie industry does for their awards, millions of dollars are spent promoting individuals to the voters trying to get their support.

But in the end, it’s just an opinion poll. What makes it so special?

Best answer:

Answer by Paul RN
The voters are a select group of experts, and the award has a significant history. The TV show and media hype are recent compared to the big picture.

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