What job can I do for making these videos 10pts!?

Question by lilnicole55: What job can I do for making these videos 10pts!?

I looove making those movie type things. Would that be in the game program? Making commertials? Music videos? Thanks 😀
Oh yea and i use sony vegas 8.0 and black wtf?
yea Kristine I am in highschool 9th grade… but wat job can i get with doing that?

Best answer:

Answer by Kristine D
um video editing
i recomened you take courses if your in highschool
..at my school we have and it teaches you abotu video editing i took one in grade 11, also we had graphics and other cool courses like that. i only took flim 11 though.

anyways if you are out of school then take them at a community college, might be a bit expensive though.

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