What is the role of Movie studios like Warner Brothers in making a movie ? If they lend money to produce a?

Question by nemo: What is the role of Movie studios like Warner Brothers in making a movie ? If they lend money to produce a?
movie, then what are producers for ? Please answer detaily

Best answer:

Answer by A2ronS
More often than not a studios job is distribution. If your film attaches to a large studio, it can get you on more screens. Have you noticed how only a handful of studios are featured in all the major cinemas? They get part of the proceeds for that. The producer is almost a go between for the director/filmmaker and the studio while the film is being made. He/ she is the one who has to convince the studio to spend money on the film. Because the studio often is paying for the film, their first instinct is to keep cost down i.e. don’t shoot anything you don’t need. Its common for a studio to pressure a film maker to change their film ( shorten it, less visual effects, etc.) having a good producer with a strong track record of hits will keep a studio off a filmmakers back (bruckheimer, for example). Although, there are obviously directors who the studio won’t mess with ( James Cameron). A producer is not just in charge of the money. That person is responsible for every aspect of the movie. Posters need to be made, costumes, sets, websites- The producer makes sure everyone is doing their job.

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