What is the nearest place for try-outs for the Artemis Fowl movie in Florida?

Question by Kate: What is the nearest place for try-outs for the Artemis Fowl movie in Florida?
Im really into acting, I really want an acting job and I love the Artemis Fowl series.They are going to make a movie and I want to audition for any part, so where do you think I can audition and how?

Best answer:

Answer by Monkey
Jumping the gun a bit here, they have not even finished all the details on the film. http://www.artemisfowl.com/ doesn’t even mention the film. Once they finally do however you need to know that casting can be done in several ways: pre-casting where they just give the part to an actor. This is done often with main roles and big stars, for instance Helena Bonham Carter is the only main character from Sweeney Todd that auditioned, the other actors were “given” the roles. For large films such as this casting calls go through agencies, ergo you must have an agent with the right connections to learn about it. open casting is done to fill the other roles and rarely includes main characters. Casting locations can be anywhere from the movie studio to some random building. Since A.Fowl is expected to be filmed in Ireland, no certainty, casting could possibly take place overseas.

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