what is the life of a movie director or producer like?

Question by lilkim: what is the life of a movie director or producer like?
i really enjoy editing an d making little movies at home with friends and cousins and i want to get in to that type of business when igrow up but my parents keep saying negative things about it cuz they think i will ruin my life withno time to rest but i think itsbecause they din’t want me to leave them far away.

Best answer:

Answer by The Film Critic
Well this is a interesting question but the basic life of a director/producer is that you are always are physically,mentally, and emotionally draining. because a Director or producer have to work on a film longer than anybody even the actors. because sometimes it could be very frustrating because you have work with the actors; makeup artists; cinematographers; writers; and film, sound, and even the lighting technicians. and you should be warned that 20-hour days are not unusual for a director or producer. But the positive points of the occupation is that you get payed well and also if you have a passion for it then thats all that matter is you becoming a successful film maker. And i also like to edit and make little short films on my spare time but all i got to say is if you really want to be a part of the position then you should try it.

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