what is the best film career for me?

Question by Tracy: what is the best film career for me?
i have taken a graphic design class for one year and a video class for two (going on three). i am really interested in a movie making career. the things i’ve learned are operating video cameras, capturing footage, editing, lighting, and film techniques. i want something that will pay over 50k a year. I was thinking of being a director but that requires a lot of experience. i was thinking about editing or cinematography. i dont really like operating the camera or messing with lights. what should i do?

P.S. i’m 17, a guy and am planning on attending college if any of that matters

Best answer:

Answer by Iain
I’m UK based so it may be a different kettle of fish, but certainly whatever you finally end up doing you’ll probably have to earn it through a year or so of Running. It’s the worst job in the industry but I personally think this is a good time to figure out which job you want to do. If you show the right dedication people will notice you. I went from Runner (making tea and emptying the bin) to Editing in the space of a month once someone spotted what I was doing and my wage sextupled!

You can certainly earn 50k as an editor but only if you’re passionate about the job and focus on more than the money – people want enthusiasm in the business. Stuck in a darkened room 12 hours a day is no fun if you’re not getting a kick out of the art. Try assistant roles or running for a while and you’ll soon form an opinion of where you fit into it all.

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