what is the best book series and movie series harry potter or twilight?

Question by abed qadri: what is the best book series and movie series harry potter or twilight?
1) did twilight make more money in the box office than any harry potter movie?
2)did twilight make any more money than harry potter movie world wide?
3)did any twilight book sell more than any harry potter book?
4) do all the twilight series together make more than any harry potter one book?

if the answer is no
then why people compare them

if the answer yes.
then is twilight best book of this centary?

Best answer:

Answer by Kim c
I have not read the books in either series, however I have seen both in movie. Harry was better than Twi, only because there was more “action” , more to keep you suspensed. Twilight is a more “laid back” movie. Both were good movies, don’t get me wrong but you cannot compare the 2 at all.

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