What do you think of the British movie, “The History Boys”?

Question by Dragonlady: What do you think of the British movie, “The History Boys”?
HBO keeps showing this movie over and over. It portrays the Brits as so smart and it has nothing to do with what they term “feral kids.” They show this while running movies that puts American kids in the worst light in comparison. American movies portrays their children as absolutely retarded and embecilic, just the oppostie of how they’re portraying British children.

Do you think this is done deliberately in order to make England look more viable and America less, and this has something to do with the devaluation of the dollar and the future use of the Euro as the world’s default currency, or is it when America succumbs completely to globalist controllers, England will be the new center of commerce and power?

Best answer:

Answer by unarmed US Citizen
well I don’t know about that movie
but I like V for Vendetta movie

I believe that is our present and future

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