What do you think of my Bucket List?

Question by ShortieStock: What do you think of my Bucket List?
I worked really hard on it, and if you have a bucket list to share post it here!

Top 101 Things to do before I die
(Because 100 isn’t good enough)

Lose my virginity with someone I love with all my heart =)
2. Swim with dolphins
Publish a novel
Go to one of the top three colleges of my choice
Find out the meaning of life
Tell someone that you love them with all your heart, and see what they say!
Have kids
Travel around the world
Live to be fifty
Go to a total of sixty parties starting at when I go to college and ending at when I graduate
Climb a tree and watch the sunset
Bungee Jump
Learn to love myself
Adopt a pet
Be an active part of my community
Go to an actual photo booth and take pictures
Never have more than ten speeding tickets
Go to Greece
Go through a Haunted House ten times
Be in a studio audience
Go to Forks, Washington (At the time of writing this, I am and I hope to still be, obsessed with Twilight)
Kiss a tarantula
Live by Morrie Schwartz’s rules of life (Tuesdays with Morrie)
Laugh at least once a day
TP someone’s house, then send them flowers (BONUS POINTS: If you get caught, then make an awesome escape! TRIPLE BONUS POINTS: If you do it when you’re sixty!)
Whenever you wear a cool pair of shoes think “These shoes are made for walking, and that’s just what they’ll do, these shoes are made for walking, and one day they’ll walk all over you”
Celebrate Halloween every year!
Sing in the rain
Ice skate in Central Park during Christmas (I’m Jewish by the way, but the Christmas lights are so pretty! BONUS POINTS: With someone I love)
Ride an elephant
Be empathatic
Get really good comebacks
Make a huge cake for a party
Understand the world
Live my life as if I will die today
Talk to someone in prison
Stop the paparazzi from attacking a poor celebrity (Annoy the hell out of them? Give them a false lead? Exc.)
Skinny dip in the moonlight
Reflect on my greatest weakness, and realize how it is my greatest strength
Go to a game show (BONUS POINTS: Be in a game show!)
Get an “A” on my report card in French at least once before I graduate High School
Eat a deep dish pizza in the Windy City
Go on a road trip in an R.V
Have my dream job
Win a lottery prize higher than 100 dollars, then donate it to charity!
Go to disney world in your forties and enjoy it!
Help someone with a terminal illness
Have a self portrait, painted by someone else
Try every single ice cream flavor at Ben and Jerry’s
Learn how to say goodbye
Volunteer to clean/weed/plant flowers in a graveyard
Have a mental health day. No work no responsibilities! Cellphones, Ipods, Laptops, and TV ARE NOT ALLOWED. Here is the recipe for the perfect mental health day:

-Go to bed late, so you can sleep late!
-Cancel all appointments, take a break from your job
-Lock all technology away
-Set you husband/kids/pets up with someone else. Its me time!
-Make sure you have the groceries needed for home prepared food

Wake up really late! The minimum hour is 10:00 am. If you wake up before then, stay in bed and enjoy the serenity of the room.
Open all the windows in the house (Not actually open, but so that the curtains aren’t in the way, so that there is a lot of light in the house
Make a great breakfast! Blueberry pancakes, waffles, fruit, bacon, anything!
Walk around the neighborhood and chat with neighbors
Read a book on the beach
For lunch? Go to your favorite restaurant!
Go out shopping with your best friends, but don’t use the items you bought until the next day
Flirt mercilessly with a lot of guys (Wear really good makeup that day)
Go to a nightclub and PARTY! (Make sure not to drink to much!)
Yes you can use the T.V for the next step, watch a really sappy movie and make sure to cry, and pig out on all your favorite junk food snacks!
Write down one thing you learned from today, and put it under your pillow
Look at the stars from your window
Go to sleep

Help kids on the beach build a sand castle
Fly a kite
Give a homeless person a twenty dollar bill
Shop at GoodWill frequently (Salvation Army works too!)
Re-invent yourself at least once
Live as a child, but think like an adult! This helps you gain great inspiration, perspective, mental health, wisdom and imagination!
Give a really big tip every time you go to a restaurant
Hold the door open for other people
Dance on a table in public! (No strip teasing, or dancing drunk, please!)
Never EVER drunk drive
Learn how to tango
Shake a hand with someone in a foreign country
Go under a waterfall (A REAL waterfall, not a fake, chlorinated, waterfall)
Go to the Galapagos Islands
Catch a mouse and set it free
Teach someone a life lesson
Buy my dream home (Current dream home: All white victorian house with multiple floors with a great view on the water, and a garden.) The Current Dream Home is allowed to change!
Help plan an awesome senior prank
Jump into the wat

Best answer:

Answer by Jon S
WOW!!!!!! someone’s really bored.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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