~//~Wedding Plans~//~Eclipse~//~

This video has been in the works for awhile now. I fell in love with Eclipse(All Yours) when I first heard it on the soundtrack. Then I went to the store the day before the release of Eclipse in theaters and bought the score and the track Wedding plans blew my mind, and sent it into movie making overdrive. Then I also noticed that Eclipse(All Yours) was melded into it so I thought what the hell why not do both of my projects into one. This is where my troubles began I couldn’t get a great opening to the score section until now, so I hope you enjoy my Edward and Bella master piece. Disclaimer: I do not own any of these clips, they are property of Summit Entertainment. I am in noway shape or form making any money off this video. This is for entertainment purposes only. Wedding Plans-Eclipse belongs to Howard Shore and Metric and any other musical company they are associated with. I am in no way shape or form making any money off this video. This is for entertainment purposes only.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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