Website Design Tips Guaranteed to Improve Your Site


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still surfing with older versions of IE, so be sure you consider what your site looks like to them as well.

Don’t get carried away with the number of scripts on your site, either. Too many scripts slow down the load time just like too many images. And some can even crash some browsers! Many scripts aren’t supported on all browsers, so if you rely on a script to provide important data, some of your site visitors could miss important information if the script doesn’t work properly.

Make use of tools such as stylesheets (CSS) and server side includes (SSI) to manage your content. It may not seem important when you first begin because you only have a few pages. But as your site grows CSS and SSI can save you hours of work. If you don’t know how to use them, learn. Or hire a Page : 1 2 3 4ALL

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