We Need The Best 3D Movies On Dvd To Play On Our New Blu Ray 3D Dvd Player And 3D Capable Tv


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We Need The Best 3D Movies On Dvd To Play On Our New Blu Ray 3D Dvd Player And 3D Capable Tv

The coming 3D revolution will have to rely heavily on other factors than just 3d capable tv, such as transcoding the best 3D movies on dvd and of cause a blu ray 3D DVD player to play them on, if it is to maintain enough momentum to see it through the initial launch stages.

Though all the signs are good and the market research points to consumers having the appetite for 3D in the home, it is going to take more than a big flashy launch and some PR men telling us that this is what we need to turn this technology mainstream. What people want is content, not particularly any old animated movie getting the 3D works on it but the biggest movies, action movies, drama and period productions giving consumers the best 3D movies on DVD.

All the noise has been coming from the consumer electronics companies, talk of how great their products are,


what they can deliver and when they will hit the stores but for me the big producers need to get a bit more vocal and start telling us what we are going to be able to watch on our 72 inch monster 3D enabled TV. Disney have promised a 3D version of  the classic A Christmas Carol and Samsung and Dreamworks have struck a deal to replicate some content in 3D with Technicolor.

A big factor has to be if these companies can get even close to the 3D cinema experience movie goers are getting at present from the likes of Bolt an animated movie shot in 3D, Up and Avatar. A good pointer and perhaps a sign of things to come are those movies in the pipeline. Toy Story 3 and Shrek goes Forth are penciled in to be shot in three dimension and older films getting the 3D magic are Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas and also Chicken Little.

These films will not be


on their own as I expect more and more directors would love to join James Cameron and jump aboard as and when Hollywood commits fully to the technology. When it does you can be sure the full cinema experience will be available at home.

Other new releases that are being shot in 3D and expected for a 2010 release are Beauty and the Beast, Oobermind, Despicable Me, Tron 2 and Hubble 3D, all of which will eventually make it onto DVD. But will these make you run out and buy the latest Blu Ray DVD player after all they will be the best 3D movies on DVD available.

Noel Swinton is an internet consumer electronics reporter. With 3D TV Systems becoming a reality his 3D television review website help you make a choice on which Real 3D DVD will be appropriate for your home entertaiment needs.

Article from articlesbase.com

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