watching 3d movie at home?

Question by GoBlue: watching 3d movie at home?
My boyfriend and I are trying to watch a 3D movie at home but can’t seem to get it to work. We are 100% sure we were playing the right (3D) side of the dvd. I know little to nothing about TVs though. We got My Bloody Valentine with the green/magententa glasses and tried to watch it on my flat screen TV. The 3D images weren’t working so after 20 minutes we gave up. So then we went and bought Coraline which came with another set of glasses. We tried this on the same tv and it didn’t work either. We then switched it to a tube tv with a different DVD player and it still didn’t work. Neither one of us are colorblind or have visual problems in either eye. The magenta is on the right and the green is on the left eye. Please let me know what I need to do to my TV and/or DVD setting to make these movies work in 3D at my house. Thanksssss!!

Best answer:

Answer by Apep (loves to eat kitteh)
I bought My Bloody Valentine and it seems like there’s not very many parts that are made for the 3-D effects, and that the headache from wearing the glasses aren’t worth it to catch the little bits and pieces of 3-D.

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