Was it me or did anyone else notice Torrie screw up on camera?

Question by sj_snore: Was it me or did anyone else notice Torrie screw up on camera?
It was during her bit with Flair and Vince. She was moving all around just fine without a care joking with Flair and along comes Vince. Now Vince mouths off about Fair being a dirty old man,and Torrie is still moving all around and shoots on Vince.

But when the match between her and Carlito is made and Flair says but she’s hurt.. did you see her face? Her eyes about popped out.
It was like oh crap! I’m supposed to be selling a leg injury!

Apparently she forgot the injury and remembered her lines.
She suddenly winces grabs her leg and hobbles off camera.
Vince kind of pauses as she makes that look.
No bandage either..
Now I don’t think it was scripted for her to fake an injury after it was mentioned to get out of the match, I think she just messed up as she totally sold it constantly the rest of the show.
I felt so sorry for her when i saw that OH crap look..

What do you think Screw up or Scripted that way?

Best answer:

Answer by jlf74464
I’ll go with scripted, but honestly, Torrie Wilson has been one of my favorite pieces of eye candy since WCW, so I wouldn’t care if she did screw up as long as I got to see her.

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