USF – Entertainment By Kod

I do not own any of the audio material used in this video. All audio soundtrack is used for non-profit and is property of the Warner Music Group (WMG). Here it is , after a month of working on this frag movie. I tried my best to show both my skills in editing and the amazing gameplay by Dylan and Kevin Im so happy and pleased with all that I’ve learned and hopefully its gonna be a push for more successful projects. Produced By: Ameen ‘Kod’ Ali Starring: Dylan ‘ Sheep ‘ Schaaper & Kevin ‘ Hallwax ‘ Van G. Contact: Steam: kayoohdee XFire: alwaheedkod2 Time taken: about 30 days Project Size : 75 GB Software: Sony Acid Sony Vegas After Effects Cinema 4D Boujou Thanks for watching! — Liked it VERY much. One of the best vids on USF so far. Amazing creativity, originality, it basically had everything. Nice flares (although some of them weren’t properly keyed), a good soundtrack, amazing 3D work as expected from Artificial Animation’s 3D artist, appealing titles. some aspects I disliked were the screen res on the roams, I disagree with making it smaller. Also I thought the twitch was a touch overused, and the audio wasn’t properly done at all times (follow my tutorial ) Better next time! The roams weren’t as well-made as they could have been and are definitely the weakest point of this movie. I liked the spotlight effect you made a lot too, I was planning on doing something like that myself, sort of a Left 4 Dead spotlight! I think this movie will stand out a mile for its
Video Rating: 4 / 5

UPDATE: 10/26/10 – 100000 Views ********* Someone asked me to explain how I get multipliers so easily. I am answering their question to everyone here. read further this info box to learn my master techniques. ********* So, last week I figured out a new technique in Bejeweled Blitz. It’s a technique that allows me to skillfully create essentially any gem I want on the board almost any time I want, provided the gems area already somewhat clustered together. Watch the video carefully enough and I challenge everyone out there to master what I call, the “Elite Technique”. After learning the Elite Technique, you will never play Bejeweled Blitz the same way again! Oh, and I have over 1400000 Coins because I never play with boosts. I actually just like collecting them. =) I would easily have over 1000000 points though if I did try playing with boosts…maybe I should give it a try… ********* Kirbbard’s comprehensive guide to awesome scores through multipliers on Bejeweled Blitz facebook Making a bonus multiplier fall requires the explosion of (I think) 12 blocks in one switch to begin with, and roughly 16 blocks for each multiplier after that… (depending). whether it’s a chain of four colours that fall one after the other, or an explosion from a hypercube or powerful gem, it doesn’t matter. Claim: Moving as fast as you can and matching as fast as you can gets you a high score. Fact: Not completely true. You see, when blocks are in constant movement, a bonus can not and will
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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