Ultra cool music making apps for iPhone / iPad

JETSETextra: Jordan Rudess and Uri Nieto demonstrate the latest must-have music creation apps. www.jetsetextra.com Here’s a list of some of Jordan’s favorite music apps for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. JR Hexatone (.99) from http – The first-ever music creation application that bares Jordan’s name, in where he was directly involved in the product’s development. Jordan states, “JR Hexatone specializes in sound sequences that are perfect for the Drum-n-Bass, Glitch, Techno, and electronic scene. For hard rock and heavy metal beats to jam to, I like a program called Thump.” (.99) from www.mrkbrz.com. 4 Track (.99) for the iPhone and StudioTrack (.99) for iPad from http — Trey Anastasio of Phish stated in Rolling Stone Magazine, “I’m obsessed with this FourTrack recording app — a super powerful studio in your pocket. I can record basically anywhere.” Looptastic (FREE to .99) from www.soundtrends.com – Jordan states, “This suite of Apps allows you to mix together a variety of cool loops and loop sets without a lot of effort, and add wide array of cutting edge effects, some of which I helped them create. It’s the best way to get a lot of cool sounds and loops happening quickly from a very user-friendly, easy and fun environment.” Music Studio (.99) from http — Jordan states, “Music Studio is a very powerful and serious App that is almost like having Apple’s Garage Band on your iPhone. For anybody who’s traveling, this is the most serious, must-have, all-in
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