UFO Display Over NYC 10/13/2010 – Are They Making Contact?

Loading… Come listen to Sonia and Karen on the radio at americanfreedomradio.com We are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday form 6-8 pm EST. Just go to AFR and click Listen Live at that time. Or go to our archive to download previous episodes. americanfreedomradio.com I previously mentioned that Ex-NORAD officer Stanley A. Fulham has stated in his book Challenges of Change, that the aliens would show a massive UFO display over major cities across the world, possibly on October 13, 2010. Today, right on cue, there was a major sighting of many UFOs over NYC. But is the real deal or some kind of psy-op? IntelHub coverage: theintelhub.com Huffington Post: www.huffingtonpost.com Flickr photos: www.flickr.com GodlikeProductions forum: www.godlikeproductions.com Live webcam footage from Youtube user areca81 www.youtube.com (Thanks to Youtube user FelipeSparks29 for the above 3 links) Earthcam live webcam of NYC: www.earthcam.com Entire town disappears in China: translate.google.com

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