twilight movie information found HERE?

Question by sabrina: twilight movie information found HERE?
This is not a question but here is all the twilight the movi info I have-


Rosalie doesn’t drive a BMW convertible, but a Mercedes convertible. It’s still red though. My theory, Summit got a deal on the cars if they used both Mercedes (hers and Carlisle’s).

Emmett’s jeep isn’t red, it’s white.

Edward’s Volvo is different then what Stephanie had posted on her website a LONG time ago. It’s a hatchback. Google “Volvo C30” to see what the car looks like. But yes, it’s still silver.

Mr. Banner (biology teacher) has been re-named to Mr. Molina. So it’s not a new character, just a name change.

NEW CHARACTER: Waylon Forge. He is used for an extra scene (see below) and has mostly to do with the Nomad vamps. If he’s used for other scenes before the Marina, I don’t know.

NEW SCENE: Marina. In this scene the Nomads meet with “Waylon” and they feed.

Laurent was described as having “olive toned” skin and being French. Edi Gathegi (Laurent) is a “black olive”, as he describes himself, and is using a “French-American” accent in the movie.

NEW SCENE: The greenhouses. The biology classes take a field trip.

A lot of the appearances of the Forks High kids are different from the book to movie. Like Eric for example… He’s supposed to be this dorky kid with bad acne and slick black hair. Justin Chong (Eric Yorkie) is a hot asian kid.

There is no Ben Cheney in the movie. Angela goes to prom with Eric and they’re ridiculously happy together. So for New Moon, and etc… if they make those movies, my guess is that Angela will date Eric instead.

A lot of the major and important lines in the book will still be said, but in a different setting. For example, don’t be upset if your favourite line from the book is said in Edward’s bedroom, instead of in his car on the way back from Port Angeles.

The inside of the Cullen house is more modern then the “old plantation style home” we all have in our heads. Yes, it still has all those window walls, but the rooms aren’t draped in fabric and all that jazz.

In the book, Bella meets Jacob at the beach. In the movie, Jacob is shown from the beginning when Bella arrives at Charlies from the airport and Jake, Billy & her new truck are there at the house.

Prom is not in the high school’s gym. It’s at a lil bed & breakfast type place called The View Point in. Prom theme is Monte Carlo, a casino type feel and it’s beautiful.

The restaurant that Bella & Edward go to in Port Angeles isn’t a lil Italian place with Bella’s name in the title, but a place called The Bloated Toad. Not sure what kind of food it is, but Bella does order Mushroom Ravioli still

NEW SCENE: The Carver Cafe. This is a tiny lil cafe place where in this scene the Forks High kids are there eating, plus Bella & Charlie. This is where those two really connect in the movie. PLUS in this scene something really cool happens. STEPHENIE MEYER makes a cameo She has the “vegetarian plate” ordered to her. What a pun.

In the book, we never really “see” Phil (Renee’s new husband). But in the movie we do, especially in the beginning in “Arizona” (actually filmed in CA) before Bella leaves for Forks.

NEW SCENE: Arizona, Bella’s house. In the book it starts off with her going to the airport. We get to see Bella’s house in the movie and things happen there. Renee & Phil are packing the car to take her to the airport, Bella plants a cactus somewhere in their front yard, and Bella’s friends come to say goodbye.

The ballet studio scene is a lil different then what described in the book. The studio itself is HUGE. Plus we get to see more of the fight scene, dismemberment & burning of James. Since in the book during that part Bella was mostly “passed out”, in the movie we get to see all this while Bella is “passed out”.

Edward does some “trick” with an apple in a cafeteria scene. This brings in the book cover to us book fans.

All the Cullen family members wear “the Cullen family crest” somewhere on them at all times. From a necklace, to a patch, to a wrist band, you’ll see it.

In the baseball scene, the Cullen family members wear baseball attire (like jerseys, pants & whatnot) and when the Nomads come they play ball with the Cullen’s for a bit before “smelling” Bella.

NEW SCENE: Treetops. Everyone is pretty much freaking out about this. It’s no big deal, it’s actually cute. First off, they are not flying. At the end of the trailer, Edward and Bella jump out of his bedroom window. He is trying to show her his vampire-ness and what he can do to scare her. From the ground he then says the famous “spider monkey” line and then climbs/jumps up the tree, and he sort of jumps from tree top to tree top trying to scare her. Of course we know that this doesn’t phase her and she isn’t scared of him, his amusingness just dazzles her and loves him even more.
Let’s talk hair shall we? First off, yes Rob (Edward) dyed his hair. He has that coppery-ness to it. Peter (Carlisle), Kristen (Bella) and Elizabeth (Esme) have all dyed their hair also. Ashley (Alice) and Nikki (Rosalie) are wearing wigs. Jackson’s (Jasper) hair in the first released promo picks was a wig, but it’s not now. It’s dyed and wavy and all natural. Kellan (Emmett) has that natural curliness to his hair that was perfect for the role of Emmett, but his hair was cut short for another movie he was filming and there wasn’t enough time to grow his hair back. That is why his hair is so short. So don’t blame Summit for chopping it off.

Charlies house… umm, well the kitchen at least, is different from the book. It has a dishwasher (unlike the book) and the cabinets are a yellowish green. The book says they were painted yellow by Renee to try to bring in some more sunlight… so when Bella steps in the kitchen in the movie and you see green everywhere, don’t gasp in the theatre. LoL.

Here is a list of lil details that are the same from the book to movie.

** Kristen Stewart has green eyes. She is wearing brown contacts for the movie to be more like the description of Bella in the book.

** The Cullen members have contacts to wear also, a golden color & black.

** Bella’s & Carlisle’s cars are the same from book to movie.

** Bella is still clumsy as ever. There are places randomly where she trips in the movie and things like that.

** We still have these majorly important scenes (in no specific order):
the meadow
the beach where Jake tells Bella all the legends
when Bella meets the Cullen family at their house (they even cook for her)
the Tyler’s van crash scene
both hospital scenes
vampire baseball!!
the beach visit with the Forks High kids
Edward (Robert) playing the piano (FYI: Rob Pattinson is a pianist. So he will really be playing the piano, it won’t be dubbed. Also, he’s been given the chance to write a song and submit it to the sound people for a possible “Bella’s lullaby”.)
the all important biology scene when Edward first meets Bella
Port Angeles (including the dress shop, Bella being “stalked”, Edward rescuing her & taken her to eat at a restaurant)
Bella storming in on her dad and tells him she’s leaving and then driving to Arizona and staying in the hotel where Alice has her vision of James in the ballet studio… etc.

** Jasper is left handed in the books. Jackson Rathbone (Jasper) has learned to do everything left handed to carry on that. Can you imagine batting the opposite way that you normally do? I can imagine trying it, but actually hitting a ball? Wow Jackson… way to go.

** Robert Pattinson (Edward) went to voice lessons and stuff to learn to speak with an American accent amazingly so.

** Billy Black is still in a wheelchair.

** Sam Uley is at the beach with the rest of the “La Push gang” in the movie, just like the book. And also, just like the book, he is the one to tell Bella and her friends that the Cullen’s aren’t allowed on their land.

** Bella’s bedroom still has a tree on the outside up to her window when Edward & Jacob use it to climb in.
I have myspace, so I added this twiligh fan page called the twilight society on myspace and they posted a whole bunch on new blogs, im going to add another one which is HILARIOUS!!! you HAVE to read it! It’s called, 50 ways to annoy edward cullen. So that’s where I got the info.
I have myspace, so I added this twiligh fan page called the twilight society on myspace and they posted a whole bunch on new blogs, im going to add another one which is HILARIOUS!!! you HAVE to read it! It’s called, 50 ways to annoy edward cullen. So that’s where I got the info.

Best answer:

Answer by kare.x.bear
this is kinda strange….but thanks for the points

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