Transform Your Insurance Sales Scripts Into Questions And Double Your Sales


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Transform Your Insurance Sales Scripts Into Questions And Double Your Sales

In many insurance sales training programs across the country they start off by giving you information about the policies you can sell. They go over the in-depth features of the policies. Some even help you create spreadsheets of those features so you can compare it to the competition and show where they are lacking. Armed with this information, many insurance agents hit the streets and start trying to sell. 

The first few sales might not go so bad, as after all they are generally friends and family. Their guard isn’t up, they willingly listen, and they are more than happy to help you with your career. It’s when you start to really hit your numbers by meeting strangers that the challenge kicks in. No longer are they as willing to listen, they have more questions, and that spreadsheet? They don’t see what the big deal is about a few

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