Towers of Midnight Trailer

Tor Books is proud to present the book trailer for TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT, the penultimate thirteenth novel in The Wheel of Time series, written by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson. Produced by the creative forces of and Mythmakers Entertainment, this video is the first-ever official video representation of Robert Jordan’s masterpiece series. The majority of the crew for this project were fans themselves, and were led by Dragonmount founder Jason Denzel, who directed the short. Go behind the scenes and watch the making of the trailer at Outta This World: For more information on the making of this video, as well as the latest news related to TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT, please visit and http
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Bush Deception Points revealed: ‘Decision Points’ vs. ‘Family of Secrets’ Investigative journalist Russ Baker provides the stunning counter-story to what’s in George W. Bush’s new book. Battle of the Books! Help support investigative journalism! A docile and unquestioning media has lapped up George W. Bush’s self-serving new memoir, ‘Decision Points’, making it instantly the #1 title in the country. The book’s purpose is to rewrite history, prepare the way for more Bushes to seek high office, and generally guarantee a GOP return to power. If you doubt it, you didn’t notice the chief architect of the Republican sweep in November: the Bush family’s key operative, Karl Rove. Or Jeb Bush’s recent testing of the waters for his own run for the top. ‘Decision Points” serves as absolution for the past and talking points for the future. What it does not provide is the real story of the Bush family and what it represents. That story is darker and deeper than anything the conventional media has even hinted at. It has long-term implications—and will affect all of us for years to come. It is the story told in ‘Family of Secrets’. Can you help us get the word out? Recently, ‘Family of Secrets’ went as high as #5 of all books on Amazon. You can help keep it visible, and prevent Rove and his message machine from running the table. Let’s correct the deliberate misinformation with carefully researched and documented facts. If you like what you see, please spread the
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