Tips on attracting men? I just watched that movie called the ugly truth?

Question by May 6th = Giant Moon: Tips on attracting men? I just watched that movie called the ugly truth?
He said some useful things like

a) get a stairmaster
b) don’t talk about your problems
c) don’t be a control freak
d) play hard to get
e) make all your accomplishments seem effortless
f) guys prefer long hair…
g) guys like woman that can outwit them intellectually

was wandering if you had any more tips on the subject?

Best answer:

Answer by Vitor R
a) you can get a stairmaster
b) you can talk about your problems (what else is there to talk about anyway…)
c) definitely don’t be a control freak
d) don’t play hard to get (at least with me, I would just move on in a heart beat), or better even, don’t play anything, just be yourself. If you’re holding back because of some doubts you have then that’s fine but just giving confusing signals isn’t good.
e) let me get back to you on this one
f) the hair depends on the specific woman but yeah generally speaking long hair is fine.
g) Not very important. I mean I like intelligent women but that’s far from being the most important psychological feature IMO. It is much more important for me that a woman is open minded, has a sense of humor and is good hearted for example… I’ve met some intelligent women in the past who were downright arrogant (intelligence sometimes comes with arrogance) and no one likes an arrogant person. At least people who are not submissive masochistic 😉

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