Tips For Recording, Editing, Exporting And Embedding Your Video Onto Your Website This is the final video in this series of videos I created for ClickBank. Today’s video provides some helpful tips on recording, editing, exporting and embedding your video onto your site. I even provide you with a very valuable “cheat sheet” that I’ve reserved so far or only my paying customers. So you can count yourself lucky! Inside the cheat sheet, I cover – Export settings for Windows Movie Maker – Export settings for Sony Vegas Studio HD – Export settings for iMovie – Export settings for ScreenFlow So make sure you check it out! Keep visible! Gideon Shalwick And don’t forget to visit my blog at for lots more cool videos like this, and also access to my latest free report on Rapid Video Blogging…

Making your own 20th Century Fox fanfare logo. On your desktop, create a folder and call it “blender”. All information, links and programs related to the making of your logo, will be stored in that folder for easier location. Okay, firstly you will need to obtain the free program to render the logo that you want to create. Visit the below link and download the blender program to the folder on your desktop. The blender site is located here at this link: Now, you want to obtain the FOX logo file created by Matt Hoecker, and save it to your desktop blender folder. Matt’s logo can be saved by right clicking on this link: Okay, so now you have the FOX logo and the program. Below are the Instructions on how to create your own personal FOX fanfare logo. Below that, are pieces of additional information ============================= INSTRUCTIONS: Please venture to the following URL to where you will find instruction on creating this easy logo: ============================= REMEMBER: When I created my own personal FOX logo, it had taken me about 6 minutes to customize it for my liking. I am sure it will probably take you about the same. When I rendered my video, I did it with the following properties, which had taken approximately 16 (sixteen) hours to render (some others have said it had taken twice that time): frames: 600 (The total amount of frames in this fanfare) measurements: 1000 x 562 avi raw: Selected on
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