This sonds totally crazy, but I need help with confidence?

Question by βЯїՇ їɳ ɱў ϾσɳѵƐЯֆƐ ϗїϾϗֆ: This sonds totally crazy, but I need help with confidence?
Ok, well not that kind of confedence. I want to ask a guyout and he’s popular. So Id like to know when the best time of the school year would be to ask him, what accessories should I wear when I do (school uniform no clothing help required) and what you think of my plan to see a movie with him.

Heres my plan:
I’ll ask a friend who’s close to me and friends with him to set a movie date for a group. When we get to the movies and go into the theatre, I’ll go to sit next to my friend who is already at the furthest side with him siting next to and me next next to.

I know making plans isnt good, but Im a devious person, and love to have things work out the way I like. So, just say yes or no to the plan, and help me understand football!!! Yeah, I need to understand football. Is there an online thig of Football for Dummies? Ok, lol! Thanks!!!
{<10 points>}
I think I forgot to mention that we rarely talk and that he probably dosent like me bcoz he just broke up with the girl he was banging on the window screaming I LOVE YOU to. 😛 he had some add… Lol he breaks things alot. Also, ive liked him for a year in august.

Best answer:

Answer by Angel
Youve got spiders in your ***, aracdids, you are not a real person! Put your face on broken glass, dont be a werewolf! Well theres uh, uh a key, well actually its not really a key its made of hair folicals. Yeah well but i mean i can look at a point on a wall and crawl right inside, well i mean thats only sometimes, sometimes its too sticky. Oh but hes not my friend, whoo no sir not at all, i mean actually theres something over us, something inside the air, its very funny actually, she said i was talking at “inopropriate times”, and you know my mom says weellll its better to use the pencil not the crayon, but i actually think red is not the color of blood any more, i mean everything is different, you peace♥love♥happiness, have realllyyy changed you should think about that! Actually you know its only when i eat the crust and the center falls out right in the middle of the world and the goats actually had strings on their toes.

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