Think of Internet Affiliate Programs: Creating the Fundamentals


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identify the visitor she sends. One of Lilys visitors was so impressed by Lilys review on the book How to Write a Hollywood Movie Script in 5 minutes that she wanted to buy it immediately, the visitor then saw Buy it now on…. CLICK
The visitor enters the Amazon site, Amazon identifies this visitor is from Lily. The visitor then checks out with the book and pays using credit card. Lily is paid a commission on that sale
Affiliate Programs vs. Selling Your Own Products on the Web
Sure enough as a web merchant, you get 100% of the profits made. But you will have to fuss with start up costs, advertising, marketing, shipping, credit card processing, products services to maintain, customer services, customer complaints, web hosting, accounting, staff training…
Phew Thats a lot work But…
As an affiliate, you do not need your own products

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