The Twilight Saga | Celestial Trailer

Category: Alternate Universe, this does not actually occur in the Twilight Saga. This is AU/EU. A made up story by us. If you’re not into that kind of thing, close your eyes and click away from this page before you hurt your self or anyone around you. “How long have you been like this?” “Since 1918.” Description: Edward Cullen is taken back to a secret in his past life. He has had the memories of Evelyn Faye locked away in the dark corners of his mind for so long, yet they are all so vivid. Edward was reborn when he was turned into a vampire, but with that rebirth there was also the death of his ability to love. Scarred by the loss of Eve, Edward was not able to feel love again for 89 years. That all changed when he met Bella Swan. We all know the captivating story that is of Twilight. This is the trailer which will take you back to Edward’s story in 1918. Trailers are not really our thing. We apologize for the lack of trailertasticness.. But just watch for the sake of the story, and we promise to try to redeem our selves when we make an actual music video expanding on this story. Vidders notes: We want to give a huge thank you to Isabel (sweetladybat), whom we tortured by making her our beta. She watched this video so many times, and helped us get it done. Where would we be with out you Isabel? Love you Batman! We came up with this the other day after getting into an argument about Edward Cullen not haven fallen in love before Bella. As sweet at the Twilight story is, we
Video Rating: 4 / 5

watch in HQ making up for taking me too long to uploade again, i give you a full 10 minutes of your favorite’s cast precious moments! no.8 renamed New Moon and i hope you will all love it! (contains precious new moon sneak peaks and behind the scenes).

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