The Sims 3 – Building a House 1 – The Spiked Cannon – Part 2 – Interior

**READ BEFORE WATCHING** Thanks to everyone who has subscribed, befriended me, viewed, rated, commented, favourited me! It’s overwhelming, I try to reply to most messages, provided they’re replyable, Oh and I will delete spam and negative things too! I’m going to stop taking requests for now, I’ve got 3 or so more to do. UNless theres one that really catches my attention! Hello everyone! thanks for the overwhelming support u awesome ppl have given me! heres the link for the house for download!!!! If you are a fan of The Sims, then join this group !!! Alright, first off, Create A Style absolutely rocks!!! Spent most of my time in that than the house!!!! Building is easy, the lack of half walls isn’t cool. As is the garden options, the flowers are basically tiles and cant be seen over hedges, and the shrubs and stuff are way too big and there aren’t enough plants in general. There isn’t a decent Wood Flooring option that I like that doesn’t need to be Styled, I tried but I couldn’t get it right. Apart from that it’s very good. Love the new fireplace! Furnishings… I miss the pages amongst pages of random decor I had back in Sims 2 :(. The Sims 3 house feels empty, but they have TOILET PAPER!!!! which is awesome, and cabinets for kitchens, totally wasn’t expecting that but they rock! I quite unhappy the left out the “basic” items, like pianos and pool tables as well as much, much more but theres always the EPs. The 45 degree option is

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