The Origins Of Gang Girl Aka Surredner ? A Note From The Producer, Damian Bailey


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some backfire within the church, but after prayer, I felt that I would not make this film as a “Christian Film” for Christians, but a film for everyone to see and be educated about other options in life, rather than joining a gang.

I had never directed a film before, but I knew what I wanted. I hired a filmmaker from PA named Warren Andy Painter who was also a cinematographer with his own equipment. I used Anissa Chlamers to play the lead, along with my wife Jesenia Bailey, Jada Louie, Tracey Wilson, and Tanya Thompson. The first two weeks of shooting went smooth, but soon my cinematographer had to pull out of the film. He left me with all of his equipment and on that day I became the cinematographer for the film. So, I directed, filmed, called the actors, and set up locations, transportation, catering, and costumes. The only thing I didn’t do was make-up. I hired a

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